Ian Lim


With a career spanning over 30 years, Ian has built a wide and diverse range of skills working for public, private and not-for-profit organisations. With IT at the heart of his roles, Ian is also highly experienced in sales and marketing, technical support, training, business analysis and project management. The ability to apply his knowledge across many sectors means Ian has worked in local government, utilities, healthcare, education and small business development.

Having worked at every level of an organisation and naturally a people person, Ian approaches every project he works on with a wide-angle lens, encompassing the perspective of multiple roles so a system or solution has a positive impact from bottom to top.  The gift of experience empowers Ian to confidently lead projects and introduce tried and tested solutions that are not just based on theory but are proven through implementation.

Place on the team

Since joining The Project Lab four years’ ago, Ian has enjoyed working on meaningful projects in the healthcare sector that align with his desire to add value to people’s lives through his work in IT and business systems. He is key to the delivery of our CyberUP program and has shown his adaptability by working with a variety of businesses from city-based lawyers to farmers in the north of Tasmania.

Ian has delivered training throughout his career, and he believes that any day that you learn something new is a good day. As a consultant working within a client team, Ian loves bringing a fresh perspective that will bring real value to how the organisation serves communities and improves customer experience. He does this with a highly collaborative approach, knowing that people need to understand the goal they are aiming for if they are to have any hope of achieving it.

Make it Matter

Tasmanian born and bred, a father of three grown up children and having travelled and worked overseas, Ian gets great fulfilment out of working on projects that build community and provide opportunities for young people to live and work on the island that he loves. Highlight projects have been working for the Department of Health in their digital infrastructure program and working with The Link to improve their IT systems.

When he can find time between his roles at The Project Lab and at home, Ian takes every opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty and environment unique to Tasmania, on bike rides and bush walks.

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